Couple holding hands

Paths to satisfaction

Hand on heart. Are you satisfied with your life? Does everything go exactly according to plan, or are you sometimes plagued by a doubt or two? Perhaps there are a few things you've been wanting to do for a long time. Or you are faced with a big task and don't know whether you are able to cope with it.

No one manages their life single-handedly. With my support, you will master the small and big challenges of everyday life with confidence. This is because I do not tell you what to do, but help you find your own solutions.


I offer support in the following areas

Icon: Masculinity


Do you feel like you always have to be strong and keep your feelings in check? Then it is time to fundamentally rethink your understanding of masculinity.

Icon: Superhero


Healthy self-esteem is the basis for a fulfilled and happy life. I help you to overcome your insecurities and tackle everyday problems with confidence.

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Professional life

Are you dissatisfied with your job and don't know where your journey will take you next? Let's find out the best path for you together!

Icon: Fingerprint

Gender identity

Every person ought to be able to create a happy and authentic life for themselves. I encourage you to live out your gender identity with assertiveness, relish and self-confidence.

Icon: Heart

Relationship design

As romantic as the idea of a picture-book partnership is, a successful relationship requires realistic conceptions and consideration of mutual needs.

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Role models

The traditional view of men and women is increasingly falling flat due to reality. Let's put old views to the test and rethink them!

Icon: Ying and Yang


Living equality – how does that actually work? Learn to respect the boundaries and decisions of others and to live fulfilled relationships on an equal footing.

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Being a father

Do you want to be a good father, but don't know which role models towards which to orient your relationship with your child? Let’s find out what really matters to you!

High Five
Area of focus

Forms of masculinity in the 21st century

Do you find traditional role models outdated and are looking for a contemporary form of masculinity with which you can identify? Equality is important to you in partnerships, as is being a good role model for your children. Nevertheless, do you secretly wonder whether you are up to the task?

You're not alone. Being a man is a complex matter and many, no, every man has to struggle with the same insecurities as you. Unfortunately, there is no universally valid answer to all questions, no mission statement that applies to every single one of us. Instead, everyone has to find their own way. And that's a good thing.

We search for answers together

As a psychological counsellor and coach for men, I support you in shaping your masculinity according to your needs. We talk about old experiences, current challenges and wishes for the future. You determine the pace and the topics. Using the well-founded models of transactional analysis, illuminating verbal imagery, and well-placed questions, I will help you attain deeper insights and change.

So: Do you need someone to talk to about your role as a man? Do you want to learn how to harness your masculine energy as a father, partner, friend and colleague and turn it to good account? Then we have to get to know each other!


My range of services for you

Icon: Consultancy and coaching

Are you really serious about wanting to purposefully address what bothers you in your life? Excellent! You're a big step ahead of most people. Let's take action together now!

You take centre stage here!

We will talk about the things that concern you and work on improving the status quo. We can gladly get together later at longer intervals to celebrate your successes and clear up new questions.

General information

  • Individual coaching includes at least five sessions.
  • The meetings take place online or in person.
  • The in-person offer is valid for the region of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Stuttgart and Aalen.

Let's get started!

Icon: Discussion rounds and workshops

Do you need an explosive blast of exchange and enjoy working collectively with other people? Coaching is too much for you right now, yet you are thirsty for knowledge and a protected framework within which to put it to the test?

I've got something for you!

My group offers offer you the chance to hone down your manliness with like-minded people. The open events offer ample opportunity for exchange and experimentation as well as downtime.

General information

  • The open events take place at regular intervals.

Current events

Happiness does not mean knowing all the answers. It means looking for answers that can be reconciled with one's own conceptions of life.
Man raising index finger
Note and delimitation of services

I am not a psychotherapist

I offer psychological counselling and coaching, not psychotherapy. My field of work comprises the areas of relationship design, (gender and sexual) identity, and communication. If you are looking for therapeutic offers, please contact the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. It maintains a register of all psychotherapists in your area.